241 Golf Mill Professional Building Suite 800 Niles, IL 60714
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Posts about Uncategorized

Wills & Trusts: Answers to Basic Questions

Wills & Trusts: Answers to Basic Questions

Do you need a will or a trust? If you do not have a will and trust or have not updated your documents recently you need to consult with an attorney who concentrates in estate plann...

WHAT TO DO WHEN SOMEONE DIES: Probate & Estate Administration

WHAT TO DO WHEN SOMEONE DIES: Probate & Estate Administration


Living Revocable Trusts

Living Revocable Trusts

Many people often wonder if they need a trust or if a simple will is sufficient for their purposes. A living revocable trust can be extremely beneficial to many people if it is use...

Updating Wills & Trusts

Updating Wills & Trusts

Many people have existing wills and trusts which they have not updated for a long time. However, it is imperative to review an estate plan periodically to ensure that it is still a...

Are Your Powers of Attorney Outdated?

Are Your Powers of Attorney Outdated?

Powers of attorney for healthcare and property are some of the most important legal documents you can have to protect your interests. They are used to designate someone (an agent) ...

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